Your personal details and address


View and edit your personal details


Under ESSNet > My Profile > Personal there is an option called Personal Details (refer to figure below). This option is used to view and edit employee's information such as:


      • Employee's name


      • Gender


      • Marital status


      • Birth date and birth place


      • Height and weight


      • Driving license


      • Old/New Identification card number


      • Passport number


      • Religion


      • Nationality and race


      • Blood group





The edit and change process flow is mentioned in unifiedESS process flow. Changes made subject to superior's approval.


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View and edit your address


Under ESSNet > My Profile > Personal there is an option called My Addresses (refer to figure below). This option is used to view and edit own addresses such as:












The edit and change process flow is mentioned in unifiedESS process flow. Changes made subject to superior's approval.


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